Coach. Boss. Dad. Son.
Husband. Storyteller.

Rush Harding

There are many ways to describe Rush Harding.

But the one that melts his heart is “G Daddy.” That’s his grandfather name that was handed down and shortened from his own father’s moniker who was known as “Granddaddy.” But that was a mouthful for his grandkids. There is nothing better for Rush than a day at the house with kids filling the home with art messes and fort building. He and Linda, his beloved bride since the early 80s, pursue their three children and five grandchildren in deep, meaningful ways.

They do that because that’s what was invested in him. Rush tells it like this: “Linda and I encouraged my parents to move to Little Rock in 1984 after serving the Clarendon School District for four decades. We wanted them to put the same imprint on our children that they had put upon me as a young man.”

Family is everything to Rush Harding.

Meet Rush

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